Legal notices
General information of the owner of the website
Owner (hereinafter THE COMPANY): Kitu Foods S.L.
NIF : B95891222
Domiciled in : Calle Uribitarte 6 - 48001 – Bilbao
Communication e-mail:
Access, navigation and use of this website are free and open source, provided that the User complies with the terms of this legal notice, current legislation, good practices and generally accepted behavior on the Internet. By accessing the website or any of the pages that allow access to it, the user expressly declares that he has read, understood and accepted these "Legal Notices". In the event that you do not agree to the terms and conditions set out below, please refrain from using the website, reserving the right for the Company to restrict access to the site to users who do not comply.
Personal data
The COMPANY will only have the personal data of the users who voluntarily wish to provide them via the website through the mechanisms set up for this purpose. The user who freely, affirmatively and voluntarily discloses to the COMPANY his personal data through the procedures defined on this website, expressly authorizes the company to treat them in order to promote commercial actions and to respect at all current legislation on personal data and information society services. The user who does not authorize the processing of their data will not receive any communication from the COMPANY, immediately eliminating the communications received by this one, which qualifies it of communication received in error.
Any User may at any time exercise the rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of his personal data that the regulations in force grant through the e-mail address indicated above. You can also contact this email address to request more information about your rights. The personal data communicated by the User freely, affirmatively and voluntarily to THE COMPANY, can be stored in automated databases, without being applied automated decisions, whose property corresponds exclusively to THE COMPANY, provided that all technical, organizational and security measures guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information they contain, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April, and its related Directives. The retention of data is undefined and can be revoked by channels authorized for this purpose.
The communication between the users and THE COMPANY does not use a secure channel and the transmitted data are not encrypted. Users are therefore requested to refrain from transmitting personal data that deserve to be taken into account specially protected data under the conditions indicated by the General Regulations, since the security measures applicable to an unsecured channel do not recommend it. Personal data voluntarily disclosed by the User will only be used for the purpose of promoting commercial actions and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, intended only for the purposes for which they were collected and which are expressly communicated to the User at the moment of the collection in this Privacy Policy. The personal data collected on this website may be assigned to its commercial agents or to its customers, for which the User gives his explicit consent.
Legal regulation
The present "Legal Notices", as well as the rest of the content of this website, have been established in compliance with the laws that apply to it, particularly with regard to the Protection of Personal Data and Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002, relating to the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, and may be revised and modified at any time in order to adapt to any changes in the legislation in force. In this case, the new content will be applicable from the moment when its modification is published on the website and accessible to its users.
The use of the Website, including access by Users and browsing through it, is free of charge but implies express acceptance and compliance with the "Legal Notice" of this website and applicable Spanish law.
Link Policy
The COMPANY is not responsible for the content of the Web pages to which the user can access via this site.
Use of cookies
Our website uses "cookies" to improve navigation and obtain statistical data on the visits obtained.
What are cookies ?
"Cookies" are small text files installed on the computer from which you visit our website and provide us with information automatically. "Cookies" can in no way be considered a computer virus.
- They do not damage the computer and do not slow down its operation.
- You can delete our "cookies" at any time, or refuse them by configuring your web browser. - "Cookies" are only associated with the browser of a specific computer (anonymous user).
- Thanks to "cookies", it is possible to recognize browsers registered users after their first authentication, without having to register each time they access the areas and services they are reserved.
- Our "cookies" are used to identify a user session ("session cookies") on a computer ("temporary cookies"), and do not provide by themselves the user's name or any other personal information.
- The "cookies" used cannot read the "cookie" files created by other providers.
- The user has the possibility to configure his browser to warn him on the screen of the receipt of "cookies" or to prevent the installation of "cookies" on your hard drive. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser to develop this information.
Our site uses two different types of "cookies" :
Third party “cookies” :
They are installed on your computer by the Google Analytics service. These are statistical "cookies", with which we can have useful data to improve our website. Some data collected is, for example, the number of visits received, the origin of the visits, the keywords used to find us, or the hours of greatest attendance. To learn more about the Google Analytics Privacy Policy, see the following link: Google Analytics Cookie Policy. You can set your browser to not receive these "cookies" and they will not be installed. If not, we understand that we have your consent for their installation.
Internal "cookies" :
Our website generates them for different functions :
Authentication cookies :
Used to recognize registered users who have authenticated themselves on our website. With these "cookies", you can access restricted sections of the Web. If you refuse or delete these cookies, the access codes to our website will not work properly.
Interface customization cookies :
Used to facilitate the navigation of our website. They allow us to automatically memorize some graphic aspects of our website. If you refuse or delete these cookies, browsing our website will not work as easily.
Advertising cookies :
Used to personalize the advertising provided by our website, based on the content viewed and the frequency of ads.
Behavioral advertising cookies :
These "cookies" store the information of our users and their behavior then offer, in the available advertising space, information about them. If you have any doubts about our policy of use of "cookies", you can contact us by : customer service (telephone, e-mail and contact form provided on the website).
For more information on the use of "cookies", you can consult the following documentation:
Guide to the use of "cookies" of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.